Thursday, May 28, 2009

How Many Airmen Have Been Killed In Afghanistan

. Past and Present of a supplement increasingly fashionable. Lua

In recent years we have been noticing the growing importance as supplements or headbands headdresses in clothing female. It is increasingly more common to see women who wear these flattering accessories not only at weddings or special events but also to give a touch to your daily attire.
can be found in storefronts latest number of proposals. I approached
then proposed Pillar Miota and Ambrosia Pitigüil , both brands Vizcaya.
Coinciding with this fashionable Berets Museum of Encarta Balmaseda, Vizcaya , inaugurated on May 22 an exhibition which brings together 60 pieces , including paintings, prints and reproductions based on historical documents, female touched on in the medieval period under medieval renacentista.La Vizcaya Provincial Council explained in a statement that the sample entitled "Low-medieval clothing in the Basque country touched female" will remain at the museum through Sept. 27, is launching an initiative between the Museum Berets The Encartada and the Basque Museum of Bilbao. The exhibits belong to a private collector and the association Elai - Alai Elkartea , as indicated by the same fuente.En the opening ceremony, the Deputy for Culture and president of the Foundation Encartada Museoa Berets, Josue Aristondo , stressed that the region of Encartaciones has a "high potential for tourism, leisure and creation. "

History Factory.

Factory 'The Encartada is located in the town of Balmaseda . The factory was founded in 1892 and has remained in operation until 1992, was devoted to the production of wool textiles, berets, though is also made blankets and cloths
. This factory is one of the stars of the industrial heritage of Euskadi
because retains all its facilities can be put into operation as they did a hundred years ago.

Basque History of Headdress .
From XII century until the end of XV wealthy women did not see the light of day if they did not look over their heads a piece of thread, linen or cotton. Each morning, the Trocadero Basque of the ladies of the Middle Ages sewed the hit to their ladies and the form that gave him announced, among other details, if the girl was married, marriage-age or widow. Women in the Middle Ages could not leave without playing, because keeping the hair in sight was a kind of provocation, one of the most important sources for research is the picture Wedding Begoña that painted Francisco Mena in 1607 and, stated in the Regional Library, 40 immortalized upper-class ladies to attend a decorated nuptials.

is said that sometimes the shape of the headdress is connected to the terrain. The inserts local Gordexola , for example, is flat, as their lands of the wavy of Artziniega evoke the hills, and the council Trespuentes Alava has a beak. The silhouette

rising mountain shaped headdress trimmed from San Sebastian , Santiesteban think Igeldo see Mount . Also the influence of religion marked these designs. Orduña headdress influences of Jewry that kept this city in the Middle Ages. And Lesaka parish in 1600 forbade women to attend Mass with coliform touched because it is considered that image, given its resemblance to a phallus, a "figure inadequate and scandalous," according to pray the chronicles of the time.
The Trocadero adapted the characteristics of each zone forms the symbol that declared the marital status of their wives. If you were married, hiding fabric neck and neck, parts that were visible when age was deserved. Girls preserved the bare neck and the widows I combed a horn, or if remarried, the two played. The amount of material was also used as an indication of status . Poor people had not touched, because the fabrics were expensive. The more yards of linen thread or take, more purchasing power demonstrated. Fabrica

berets "The accused" Barrio
Tel. 946 801 356 ( Enkartur Tourist Office)
E-mail :

If you design dresses and reside or are of the CAV send your proposals for this summer! We look forward to show your work and our Blog!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Listerine Whitening Allergic Reactions

Rotaetxe your Personal Shopper. Showroom

Rotaetxe Lua is the stylist who is leading the Image Consultancy Style Question in Bizkaia. For over 3 years Lua began as a pioneer of the profession in the area of \u200b\u200bBilbao.
She studied Advertising and Public Relations, but I really liked was the fashion. Without a clear final goal was formed, took courses in History of Fashion Marketing and Communication, ... And finally, when I hear about the figure of Image Consultant and Personal Shopper, it was clear that I wanted to spend.
He liked the social part that was the profession: to listen and deal directly with people. And yet she liked the result of his work: one person happy with her image, and in some cases, better self-esteem.
Three years later, Lua has advised all kinds of people: administrative, politicians, businessmen, housewives ... It is also a partner in the program I want to Here (Radio Popular) and 11 Telebista offering advice to the audience. It also has articles and interviews in various media: "Bi errepidean (ETB), Home 10, Deia, El Correo, Que!" Aperitif " (EITB), Radio Vitoria, Radio Euskadi, Telebilbao, Canal Bizkaia ...
Quote of our guest: " No second chance for first impression ."
Your Web:

If you have questions you would like to make a Lua, on job training or just write us and soon will answer!