Monday, February 18, 2008

Wearing Womens Underwear


When we speak of violence, we mean not only physical violence, but economic, racial, religious, cultural, psychological, sexual and moral. There is a violence that is directed against the body (pain) and also against the "spirit" (suffering).
When we talk about active nonviolence , we refer to a clear profile that includes a revolutionary method of action that leads to the transformation (and not simple improvement) of the conditions that generate and produce violence, and that includes the reporting of abuse and also "uses" that are directed against humans.
But above all, nonviolence is a vital position and internal attitude which claims the freedom of man, warring against the pain and suffering, which encourages human evolution and expression of the enormous potential, unfathomable and sacred that exists within us.
From this point of view, our Schools Nonviolence (weekly) fulfill the function of promoting social change and personal and form simultaneously in a real Non-Violence. At these meetings, various tools work, reflection and study, you imagination, relaxation, etc. There is always a part of individual work, which is then exchanged (work team) and another part where we see how to express this non-violence, these discoveries and learning in the world, through fun activities, fun, happy, creative, courageous and definitely not violent.

If you want to participate in them, please contact us. Not meet on Wednesday at 15 hours in the 2531 class of the College of Education at the University Complutense of Madrid.

Greeting Message To My Baby

hair braids SOLIDARITY

Rebecca, a member of the Association of Education for Nonviolence, makes a wonderful leather braids hair in the interest of helping to finance of health and education projects that we developed in Bangladesh and Ghana .
If you dare or know people who could be interested, please call 666 743 845 and ask for Rebecca.

Hymen Bleeding More Than Once


From March we will have a weekly radio program will air several times throughout the week online at radiotetuan . is
sections in the program will have different types of interviews, debates, music and everything going on we go.
We are currently building the team for the development, not experience is necessary, learn by doing.
If you are interested in participating in developing the program or want to attend someday, you're invited!

GLORIA: 600 860 567

We are preparing the next issue of our publication. If you want to contribute your articles, opinions, reports, photographs, drawings, etc.
you can also send it to join the editorial team.

VIRGINIA: 677 238 731