On June 6 FITTING ROOM held BILBAO the Hotel Lopez de Haro . The event brought together all kinds of people: professionals in the textile and jewelry artists, fashion enthusiasts, art, curious, attracted by the numerous posters that had invaded the city, tourists who were staying at the hotel ... Fashion art and trends gathered in one of the hotels most traditional of the Villa, which in turn stands for innovative décor. An opportunity that a city as cosmopolitan as Bilbao could not pass up, and he got critical acclaim and throughout the first two floors of the hotel brought together 24 artists demod, art, contemporary jewelry, accessories ... The rooms were full of style, originality and good taste, furnished by the participants personally, bared the essence of each firm. The atmosphere was welcoming and friendly, chatting loscreadores discernidamente with visitors, they showed their creations, they resolved their doubts and suggesting activities aconsejaban.firmas very original, making losvisitantes as participants to take a picture in the bed of the room while you wouldst unacopita of wine, or enjoy the music of a DJ who was playing in the room of another bañode habitaciones.La organization also Fitting Room Bilbao yactuaciones prepared several surprises for all who come near the hotel. In the hall "DJ Le Futur" , warm up the crowd with their music, inviting people to visit the rooms, and alternative Groupe Elbis Rever offered visitantes.En exclusive concert for the hall of the hotel, the godfather the event, Eduardo Chillida , presented some of his delight obraspara for fans of art could also watch the short film "Preparation," directed by Gorka Merchán and considered one of the mejorescortos presented in the latest edition of Film Festival San Sebastian. Fitting Room Bilbao put an end to the event with a farewell party in honor alos participants, where the group acted XU, who made these ALritma dance music techno-dance. The festival also featured a raffle losasistentes the Fitting Room, the awards were presented by Aida Aguirre entrepreneur words of the participants the experience was worth the taninnovadora idea of \u200b\u200bshowing their products in a different event promocionamoda and art in such an area original.En words Attitudes, organizer of the event, RoomBilbao Fitting, is and will be a benchmark in Bilbao on topics related to fashion, art and cnn, and it shows the 1,530 people who have attended this in Fitting Room Bilbao FITTING ROOM BILBAOPara expansion of information and images:
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