Friday, June 5, 2009

Sister Wedding Invitation Wordings For Friends

Young Designers. Nerea Lurgain at Fashion Freak of Barcelona. Interview.

Throughout this week in Barcelona is giving fashionistas a blast event. We're talking about Fashion Freak 6. Virginia Rivero TelaMagazine a report from there all the events and we have promised since the year is not lacking. (Please attend all that you can not hesitate to request information ). Thanks to her we learned that both Neil Lurgain young designer and brand Donostia SinPatrón, are actively participating in various events. We wasted our time and we made contact with Neil Lurgain, that we discover his work and so know a little better. I
rendiréis to his literary work and mature. In his young voice and casual style will find a wonderful conceptual world that from now on I'm sure we will continue with great curiosity.
Bachelor of Fine Arts in Leioa (Vizcaya).
Fashion Design Studies at the Institute of Design IDEP, Barcelona.
Practices carried out with the screen printers and illustrator Julia Pelletier. Shares in
-Parade "080 Barcelona Fashion" on the issue ofSeptember 2008.
-individual Parade in December 2008 with the platform "MID-E", SanSebastian.
-Parade "Fashion Andalucía" in February 2009.
Parade-group in the March edition of the "080 Barcelona Fashion", Barcelona.

finalist in the competition held by the Government with the award deCatalunya belong to the "Projecte Bressol" in which, LaGeneralitat de catalunya supports 15 young designers to create and launch individual brand and company for 3 years.
2.-We understand that for you is very important to see your designs as works of art. Having reached this conclusion Who do you feel more identified with an artist or a fashion designer?
With an artist.
What follow fashion designers and scallops?
do not follow any particular designer, but I really like the work that Sandra Backlund, Alexander McQueen, Issey Miyake, Maison Martin Margiela among many.
"Two works of visual art that excite you?
"End of the Night" deHundertwasser and "The Kiss" by Gustav Klimt.
What steps do you follow before each collection?
Seeking a theme of inspiration, a concept in prior research and develop despúes.Antes of each collection and for her, I can feed a lot of books, exhibitions ... and then leave, colors, shapes, feelings ... 3.-As you define your personal style and how it reflects on your brand.
natural style, colorful clothes cómoda.La I do always look for these values, comfort, color (in fabrics, prints and accessories) and natural forms.

In what parts are you most satisfied (First Photo)?
knitted garments and knitting pieces printed with my artwork.
What should have a good collection?
What do you think are the fundamental qualities of a fashion designer?. Creativity and constancy
Do the young fashion designers like you? According
diseñador.Algunos if others do not follow them.
Where you buy the clothes you wear?
Shop "Still Light" in Barcelona, \u200b\u200b"Suite" in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bB-Hun in Barcelona ... 4 .- Nerea
could give us a SWOT analysis * Youth designers today. (It is an analysis that do business before starting any journey.)
- Strength of the Young Designers:
Creativity, originality, freshness, enthusiasm,
- Opportunities for Young Designers:
is not uniform as the mass go, wanting to be different, desire for differentiation, growth and exclusive limited editions ...
- Weaknesses ... ..
Lack of experience in the sector, not being a recognized brand in the market, lack of external funding ...
- Threats ... ..
competition, big chains like Zara ...
* (The SWOT analysis is a methodology to study the company's competitive position in its market and the internal characteristics of the same, in order to identify their Strengths, Weaknesses and Threats. The situation consists of 2 internal controllable factors: strengths and weaknesses, while the external environment consists of 2 non-controllable factors: opportunities and threats.)

5 .- Now that you've made several collections, " That preparation or education and training disciplines you throw in a lack of curriculum?
Until reality comes to a young designer is all it is necessary but is the day to day, all arising problems and things that you teach.
survive "the strongest or the most luck with?
Ambas.Creo who survive the most constant and fighters.
What is your experience?
much work and not disappoint although hard work of the new designer facing the market and fashion.
Fashion 6 .- Euskadi. How do you think your life would be a young designer in San Sebastian?
As in Barcelona but in petit comité, je, je ...
What should have in Euskadi so you could develop your business there?
More clothing shops, aid and support to young designers ... The intention is to settle in San Sebastian in few years, if the brand is growing ...
Basques What designers do you like?
Balenciaga, Miriam Ocariz, Ion Fiz.
7 .- Plan B. Do you have a plan B ready in case the designer if your brand does not work?
course! Another job that I love ...
illustrator and painter.
Thanks for everything Neil and good luck! Nerea
Lurgain is now preparing his third collection.
For Beatriz Vaciero


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