
So far we have not had any news that Universal was planning to do an adaptation of this iconic work, and it is rare that the typical rumors have arisen earlier because I'm sure it will not be a cheap movie and therefore the production would start promoting it as soon as possible, even if no director or cast has been confirmed. There will be a legion of fans of the work, depending on how the lapse in production, will want to see in a movie theater or not.
For now, the only information we have is that Universal wants to make this adaptation and Tom Hooper is chosen to carry it out. It seems that the producer liked the work he did in "The King's Speech" although that deal would have gotten any. Will this time lucky to have great actors who will save the movie or to show why has been chosen the best director of the year for the Academy Awards?
As Victor Hugo's work, there may be people who do not know exactly what it is, but I'm sure we've all heard about it sometime, especially the hits that have occurred worldwide . Some, like London or New York, were especially long-lived as they were continuously on the bill 21 and 16 years respectively. The story centers on an ex-convict, Jean Valjean who is trying to regain his previous life by changing his identity. But the work covers many more topics such as good, evil, law, religion and others, all spent in 20 years ranging from the French Revolution to the July Revolution, which transferred power to Louis Philippe of Orleans.
One last thing for the skeptics: the work will be produced by Cameron Mackintosh, who already had the same job for the British musical adaptation. Hopper will at least help someone who has worked with this material and knows how to perform adaptation.