When it seemed they were going to ring wedding bells between the singer and actress skip the news that their relationship is over. Collapse the nice statements that the medium of the Jonas Brothers made a post few days ago.
According to sources close to young people the break came a few days ago, but the couple wanted to cloak in secrecy. "It was mutual and amicable" Friends have said the former couple.
busy schedules seem to have been to blame for the separation of youth, which began about a year ago.
History has left everyone shocked as a few hours ago we read the interview that Jonas had been granted to a journal, which was very in love with the girl. She radiated happiness
counting as she understood and respected his work, especially now that the youth has decided to start a solo career as a singer.
We have to wait to see the reactions of both, so far neither side has ruled on the case. Only able to see the actress Twilight on 15 March by New York party, but who would foresee no longer shared love life?source: EuropaPress
by: MOD-JB-
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