Musician Nick Jonas know that everything you say and do can have a very high significance media and that can be used with a good end. The member of the Jonas Brothers long as it participates in the event conducted annually by the American Juvenile Diabetes Foundation, where he appeared yesterday before a group of young people like him who suffer from a type Diabate. The "Carnaval 2011 for a Cure" was held at the Metropolitan Pavilion, in New York.
The event, attended with her parents, Nick was known for his work with film. Just four years pop idol publicly acknowledged her illness and showed strength to cope.
founding co-chair Nick introduced with these words: "In 2007, we were fortunate to have the Jonas Brothers at the Carnival for a cure. Nick silenced the crowd when it reported for the first time you have diabetes type 1. From that moment on, were sensitized to millions of teens and parents to the disease and the need to find a cure. "

source: Mundo
by: MOD-JB-
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